Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Please Reconsider

If you were unfortunate enough to have heard the song I posted last, I repoligize.
Here're two others instead.


Because trees look better alive than dead. That's why!

click below and listen to "Turn on" first, and "Take Control" second. Or don't.

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is a link to a page on
the World Wide Web.

The song "saturday" is still available for posterity.

All comments accepted. And to Diddy: sorry I lost my metrocard on saturday otherwise I would have come and met you. You have a sweet voice.



At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So: Drew. Took me a while to listen to "Saturday," since I mainly play with my computer as a distraction at work, and playing songs at ANY reasonable volume would potentially distract others around me who may not be in please-distract-me mode. So I mainly crank these songs up at the end of the day, IF I'm here later than most others, and IF I'm not in imminent-exit mode myself.
So anyway, I did listen to "Saturday" on Mon. evening the 18th. The usual things that apply to a first listen--you're trying to get the overall gestalt, you're trying to get a feel for the playing and singing, and you're also trying to decipher the lyrics. And you don't get ALL of any of this the first time through, except maybe some sense of whether you can stand to ever listen again!
I did enjoy the lyrics, those that I could follow--a couple of the lines jumped out at me and propelled me to that second stage of trying to discern meaning, and I also had the distinct thought that the meter of the lyrics mated nicely with the melody/rhythm of the music, something not every songwriter pays sufficient attention to.
A nice drony-lilty quality, which together with some of the words, was taking me back to some of the early 70s folkrock bands--Graham Nash, Graham Parsons? Which may have had more to do with my associations than your intent...
And then I headed out the door, with other things on my mind, some meeting of a nonprofit committee, no longer consiously thinking of your song at all, humming some tune as I skipped down the stairs to the parking, but wait--it was your tune! Which I thought was kinda cool.
Will have to wait (see above) to give the new ones a hearing, but did want you to know that someone listened to this one and liked it...
steviepinhead | 04.19.05 - 7:17 pm | #


Exceuse me, GRAM Parsons, not "Graham." Doh.
steviepinhead | 04.20.05 - 5:53 pm | #


Drew! I'm really digging Saturday. What's it's story? Is it an old song; are you calling it a dead tree? Why?
Christine | 04.24.05 - 2:54 pm | #


Goddamnit! Saturday sounds better and better each time I listen to it. And the end that sounds like someone turned off the music machine and it's whirring to a stop.
And the intervals the bass sings at, "Everybody remembers..." Lovitt!
SamB | 04.27.05 - 6:49 pm | #


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