Friday, March 11, 2005

The Hott Shitt

My friend Drew H. is totally back at it with another hot emo-core ballad. Click on this link and listen to "Line3". You should put on a cardigan, get drunk, listen to the song, write down the lyrics and then call the girl next door and sing the song to her. Or else you should take a shower in your swimsuit.





At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The download section on the site isn't working so you can also download it at the following link for 7 days: ...RN2KO76YGUMSS85
SamB | 03.11.05 - 10:29 pm | #


Has no one listened to this song? I think it's magic. MAGIC ise tells ya!

It's not actually emo-core. That was a joke.
SamB | 03.13.05 - 3:27 am | #


its 7 am sam

i heard the song at maybe 3 today and i like drew (drummond?) but i like his voice better than the distortion and it deemphasizes the song too much in this place. i want this song to call to me
lars | 03.13.05 - 7:26 am | #


Wait, what?
SamB | 03.13.05 - 3:01 pm | #


You're saying there's too much distortion? I don't think it's the distortion. The mids on his voice are a bit high, but not distorted.
SamB | 03.13.05 - 6:12 pm | #


It seems like we've had quite a drop off in traffic. Is anybody still around?
SamB | 03.14.05 - 2:40 pm | #


Well, there was a weekend in there!
steviepinhead | 03.14.05 - 3:20 pm | #


Perhaps it's all the people who used to visit just to behold my name?
Christine | 03.14.05 - 4:59 pm | #


Oooooooo! Caught! I'll put you right back up once you have a post to post. Then you'll stay up forever. Just one post.
SamB | 03.14.05 - 5:02 pm | #


the song is good. i agree with lars on the distortion. and i think it could lose the last verse/chorus. i also think it sounds like a cross between the strokes and 'so this is christmas' by john lennon. good vocal doubling and bass lines, good end chord. i liked it overall. but what does a brother have to do to get some hot emo-core action.


Paul | Homepage | 03.14.05 - 5:31 pm | #


I'm sure once I post there'll be a whole flow of them. I've got too much voice/cbs shit in the works for the time being...soon...soon...
Christine | 03.14.05 - 7:17 pm | #


That feller hoo said it sounds like strokes and john lennon is just plain nutty.
I'm sure the strokes would be turning over in their graves if they read your comment on this blog.
The strokes are a very good band and john lennon is a rock n roll icon. Even Yoko would object because she is implicitly involved in your reference to the song "so this is christmas".
The posted song now being discussed is pedestrian in its nature, and its lack of remarkable songwriting is further accented by the shitty recording.
Sam: use a little discretion in the future, please.
Drummond Paul Harris the Third | 03.15.05 - 4:14 am | #


Well, I'm a bit disappointed that Droopy submitted so quickly to the criticism.
Anyway, of course the song references other songs, all songs do. But Drew's song is catchy, it swings, that snare is soooo perfeck, the changes are endearing and most important of all it is so authentically Drew. Drew's voice is in it and so it sounds like nothing I've ever heard. The song calls to me. Maybe Drew could work on a clearer recording (turn the mids down a bit). I don't know what you mean by "pedestrian" Drool. It seems to me that you're suggesting that anyone could do it, and that simply isn't true.
Blah, blah I stand behind my decision to post it. Suck a dick!
SamB | 03.16.05 - 12:29 pm | #


post more dr droom
lars | 03.16.05 - 12:42 pm | #


Sorry if the tone of my previous comment came off weird, or as a real condemnation of Sam's decision to post. I forgot to put "j/k" at the end, I guess.
I appreciate Sam's patronage and intend to post again if y'alls will have me.
The comments were great and I appreciate them. Especially Paul's point about the last verse/chorus. That last minute or 30 seconds or whatever should add yet another new element, not just rehash. I couldn't put my finger on it until I read that comment, but it makes complete sense.

Thanks, guys
Drew | 03.17.05 - 1:58 am | #


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