Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Recent Submission To Seventeen Magazine's TRAUMARAMA Department

A True Story by Benjamin Swetland

One day something started to grow on my ass.

Perhaps not on my ass proper and more so on that flat steppe between the small of my back and the gulley going you-know-where, but in these kinds of cases the proximity of the inevitable has an over-riding influence. So I'll just say one day something started to grow on my ass.

It was red, painful, and ambitious. I mean, it was killing me. The location of my enemy prevented me from either standing or sitting without stabbing pain. I had always heard that the Viet Cong held POWs in small bamboo cages designed to prevent their captives from standing or sitting, forcing them to squat uncomfortably for days. As I hunched in my apartment, the ongoing mental association between John McCain and my ass only redoubled my agony.

So I went to the doctor. First I got to have a nice chat with the twenty-something attendant in my gown and black socks. Then, stretched out on the examination table the physician quickly diagnosed the problem: a peri-anal abscess. Hmm. A squirmy little set of words for sure, but so much the worse when your pants are across the room and a vaguely Eastern European woman is using them to describe YOU. The prescribed cure was a thorough lancing and a course of antibiotics.

Then I got to field the anal sex questions.

Now, look. I'm not gay and I've certainly never had anal sex, but as a part of a certain segment of straight guys who wear expensive jeans I have been asked if I'm gay before. What I've learned is that the last thing you want to do is be too strenuous in your denials. Yelling about how straight you are only makes you look like a gay-baby-seal-clubbing, beer-chugging, Eminem-listening, secretly-gay-being homophobe. That or a please-penetrate-the-paper-thin-armor-of-my-straightness-and-set-free-my-unmitigated-fabulousness gay dude. So when the doctor told me that whether you believe in God or in Mother Nature certain things don't fit in certain places, I could only nod my feeble assent.

After a quick numbing shot, the doctor punctures the swelling. Not really feeling the needle, what hits me first is the smell. Some bacteria can smell, I'm told. Fortunately, she rounds out the lesson by shoving gob after gob of stinking blood and puss rags in front of my face while intermittently wiping up the stuff trickling down my ass-crack. It was like having your diaper changed if your diaper is tiny and inside of you.

Next step is to probe the abscess to determine how deep it goes and whether or not it connects to any deeper tissue. This is achieved by shoving a giant Q-tip into my body and poking it around. Does that hurt? Yes, Doctor, it hurts. Would you like a pain shot? Yes, Doctor, I would. The doctor pokes her head out of the door and calls for two milligrams of something or other, blah blah blah. Two seconds later there's a knock at the door and a staffer comes in with the needle.

And who is it?
Who comes in?
Who has the shot?

Why, none other than the small Indian girl from work whom I publicly declared my crush on in my short-lived blog on the WORLD WIDE web. With my bared ass, streaming stinking blood and puss. With my brain exploding and soul taking flight. With my communist-childhood-having doctor wiping my butt. She actually managed to appear glad to see me before sprinting from the room, leaving me to receive my proverbial peri-anal probing.

On the way out my adolescent crush and I engaged in strained small-talk, took care of the bill, and in general DENIED ALL REALITY. Anyway, turns out it was a chance infection, the antibiotics worked, the thing healed, and I feel much better.




At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hilarious and awesome.
Luke P | Homepage | 03.08.05 - 4:09 pm | #


really good blogging today for some reason- Eric's two shorts on Fishscale are great.Check em out.
Luke P | Homepage | 03.08.05 - 4:10 pm | #


Nothing is funnier than gross, bodily-invasive, unpleasant, and embarrASSing stuff happening to other people. Thanks, Sam, I think (but please stay away until you've used ALL the antibiotics)!
steviepinhead | 03.08.05 - 4:33 pm | #


Not me. As stated, "A True Story by Benjamin Swetland". That's my roommate.
SamB | 03.08.05 - 4:38 pm | #


i like the link to the indian-girl story, especially after the emergency room link cracked me up. i always liked that indian-girl story. "patrolled zone of styrafoam cups and formica" or something.

i hope it's not really true ben
i am wearing the swetland sweatshirt right now
lars | 03.08.05 - 5:24 pm | #


It's all true. Really.
SamB | 03.08.05 - 5:55 pm | #


Sorry. I guess if I'm entitled not to be Lars's dad and if I'm also entitled to go climbing with Balls, then "Ben" is entitled to get an infected ass. Or even to be your real roommate in between his incarnation as a character in these posts.
steviepinhead | 03.08.05 - 8:49 pm | #


OK, OK, I went to the links. So now I suppose you're going ot try to tell me that "Tim Robbins" is a "real" person too?
No, I didn't think so. You wouldn't have the "Balls."
Man, I slay myself sometimes...!
steviepinhead | 03.08.05 - 8:54 pm | #


If anyone is interested, I finished a beat for Lars tonight and you can listen at http://www.purevolume.com/sbakken
(It's "WhiteBite_WhiteBeat")
SamB | 03.09.05 - 1:56 am | #


He'll be putting lyrics to it within the week.
SamB | 03.09.05 - 1:57 am | #


I like that Sam. It's nice and raw. It feels like there is no ryhme or reason tot he structure.
Luke P | Homepage | 03.09.05 - 2:24 am | #


Ben should contribute more. He is really good at this kind of anecdotal writing.
Luke P | Homepage | 03.09.05 - 2:24 am | #


Lars, do you really have a sweatshirt with my name on it? I don't know what to think of that.
ben | 03.09.05 - 2:48 pm | #


Hey pinhead!
Do you want to contribute or what? I think it would be great.
Get it together and let lars or me know.
Re: Site News,
We'll be adding another contributor within the next month or so. He's going to med school and is an all around smart guy. I'm hoping he'll do some science pieces (discussing the philosophical questions etc that arise). He may also wander into fiction and the like. Anyway, you'll know who he is when his first post is ready.
If you or anyone you know is interested in contributing, please let me know. I really want as many contributors as possible. And the more variety the better.
SamB | 03.09.05 - 3:33 pm | #


Hey, can anybody remember what the name of the story Hunter S. Thompson writes about burglarizing a convenience store or gas station underneath the apartment or motel he's staying in and watching out the window each morning as the owner tells the cops? Or what book it's in? I will kiss you on the mouth if you remember.
SamB | 03.09.05 - 10:16 pm | #


SamB | 03.10.05 - 11:13 am | #


Hey, Sam, I was feeling a little funny about horning in when this was a very small circle of friends, but now that the circle is rapidly widening, sure...and thanks. I'm flattered, bound to be splattered, like it even matters.

Whether I'll actually have anything to offer/expose, who knows? Maybe I'll wind up like the mysterious Christine, and mostly content myself with lurking...

Can't help you with the Hunter cite, though, I haven't read much of his stuff since the Kesey, Hell's Angels, Fear'n'Loathing era.
steviepinhead | 03.10.05 - 2:26 pm | #


Well that's the thing, I won't set anyone up as a contributor until they have something they to post. So write something, anything (I hear your trained in the lawyering arts, something sticky about law might be interesting and easy to whip up quick) and then let me or lars know and we'll set you up.
Yea it may seem like a cliquey thing, but as you mentioned it's widening. I really like the idea of having a bunch of different people writing (not just people trying to publish short stories or novels or journalist types or whatever). I think it will get really good. Once we add a couple contributors and a real variety of posts start to show, I think I may take an ad out on the -ist network so we really start to see some traffic.
SamB | 03.10.05 - 2:38 pm | #


My previous comment is not to say that you can't contribute fiction. Just that I think it will be interesting to have stuff up from people who aren't necessarily trying to be professional writers, that can still write well obviously. Gnaw mean?
SamB | 03.10.05 - 2:44 pm | #


Sam, understood, but to work up a contrib, I'm gonna need to be more adept at doing the links, particularly the concise kind that just say "here" or "this" and not "http-forever." Also how to do things like italics, bold, underline. And how to link to images, in particular, which I assume need to be posted up somewhere on the web, and not just stored on a private computer. I'm not looking for a tutorial here in 1000-character land, but is there a tutorial available from this particular host? Can I reach you directly via the yahoo address?
steviepinhead | 03.10.05 - 4:50 pm | #


Yes. If you have specific questions we can correspond via that yahoo address. It's key_change_blog AT yahoo DOT com.
Here's the link I learned from and I think they do a better job explaining it than I ever could (but if you have specific questions let me know):
http://www.w3schools.com/html/ ht...ml_examples.asp

--sidenote: They don't have underlined text. It's just a tag with a u in it. You'll know what tags are after you browse through that site.

Regarding the images, we have a key change photo bucket account (uploads and hosts images for free) and I'll give you the log-in information and instructions for that when you're official.

Again any specific questions can go here or at that yahoo address.
SamB | 03.10.05 - 10:13 pm | #


anyway you don't need to put hyperlinks into your text. and (at least in my version) they give you msword-style buttons to change text format in the post-comment field.

sorry sam, i've been working on a million things, including the second installment of the road-trip story. the rap to match the beat might have to wait till sunday or monday or later because i work all weekend and paul's not helping.
lars | 03.11.05 - 3:23 am | #


No big deal. Finish your novel! I was thinking about it the other day. We were standing on my roof, sun out, drinking cheap red wine and you were reading what you had aloud. Great day. Great times. And then the bar and I seem to remember accosting one of the people we were hanging out with. I also remember falling in love with a couple of those girls. And telling the bachelorette of a bachelorette party that she shouldn't get married. That her anonymous husband wasn't good enough for her. Then another bar, didn't some tall man in a leather jacket want to beat you up for talking to his girlfriend? Some hip-hopper we met on the street came with us. Memories of that weekend are flowing for some reason. Anyway, I was thinking about your novel and want to read it ASAP.
SamB | 03.11.05 - 1:02 pm | #


Thanks, Sam. I'll take a look at the tutorial before I bug ya further.
steviepinhead | 03.11.05 - 7:10 pm | #


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